Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Reveal Your Teal

Thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone! I had a wonderful birthday; Mark came over bearing not only a present and a very sweet card, but also flowers and birthday cupcakes! The boy is adorable, truly. He's taking me out to dinner on Friday, so perhaps I can convince him to make a guest appearance when we're dressed up to go out.

Today is my 100th post, so I decided to do something a little special and wear the outfit I designed especially for the Cuties' latest Blogger Challenge. Now I'm not a fan of football (the American variety, anyway), but I will enthusiastically 'reveal my teal' for my San Jose Sharks, and anyway hockey season is quickly approaching and I'm pretty stoked about it. "But Audi, didn't you say that you don't watch any TV?" Why yes, that's true; I don't watch any TV at my apartment because I don't get any channels. However, Mark gets all the channels my little heart could desire, and right now it's desiring to see a few slapshots and maybe a cross-check or two.

Teal top: Red Dress Shoppe
Cropped jacket: A. Byer
Skirt: a cast-off from my sister
Shoes: Pink Studio

Go Sharks!

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