Friday, September 26, 2008


The opportunities for showing off my latest tattoo are dwindling, so today I decided to go bare-legged again. I can feel that autumn chill in the air, despite the fact that it has been sunny and beautiful for the last several days. As usual I will probably miss the best Bay Area weather of the year, since my annual European vacation will have me in chillier parts of the globe during the first half of October. Paris will probably be fine, it's Reykjavik where I'll really get a taste of winter a couple of months too early. I've got just 6 more workdays to go before I take off, so I'd better enjoy what I can of the Indian summer! Wow, only 6 more days!

When I put these two shirts together, the thing I really liked about the combination was the fact that the cut of neckline on the olive top mirrors the angle of the stripes on the long-sleeved one. It's more apparent in the headshot to the left. Because the two shirts are fairly subdued in color, I added the scarf for a bit more pop. The belt, boots, and earrings also added some contrast and a neutral counterpoint to all the bubblegum pink.

Striped shirt: F21, thrifted
Olive shirt: Susina
Skirt: Lemon Twist
Socks: Sock Dreams
Boots: Bata

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