Friday, October 9, 2009

Anything With Everything

Here's the last of the pre-vacation outfits. This one felt very saucy; between the short dress length and the knee high socks, it was like a cross between a swingin' 60's chick and a junior high school volleyball player. The purple tights helped to minimize the visual impact of the purple knee high socks, but still this outfit felt rather age-inappropriate to me, and therefore deeply satisfying.

Looking back now on why I selected this outfit, I remember thinking that I needed to give these Cydwoq boots another break-in run before I relied on them day after day to serve me for hours at a stretch in Argentina. Having a lot of shoes can be a blessing and a curse: on the one hand, if you make an effort to rotate the shoes, each pair will be preserved for many years; on the other, it takes a hell of a long time to break a pair in, during which time you may lose interest in them or give up entirely on their ever being comfortable (see this post for more on this topic). Thankfully, what this outfit did was to convince me that the Cydwoqs were the right travel choice, as indeed they proved to be for both Jess and I.

I adore this blazer, though for some reason it has proven difficult to wear. Therefore I was surprised to find that it worked with this dress; I pulled it out as a far-fetched notion and found that the subtle purple stripes woven through the plaid are actually picked up quite well by the dress. This is a perfect example of why you should try anything with everything when you're trying to get more out of your wardrobe; many amazing combinations are lurking right there in your closet if you only give them a chance.

Dress: Red Dress Shoppe
Blazer: Promod
Socks: Cronert
Shoes: Cydwoq

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