Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Small Message to the World

I really loved this outfit, and I'll tell you straight away that I completely lifted it from the photo of Esme and the Lane Way that Sal posted a few weeks back. The outfit just sort of evolved that way; this new jacket and skirt had just arrived and I wanted to wear them, and that week I was inspired by Sal's post as well as Kasmira's series of tights and toes outfits. The rest, as they say, is history.

This cape-like jacket was an unexpected find on the Forever 21 website; I actually went on there in search of a jacket that I saw Erin wearing (more on that later), and this jumped right out at me. Lately I've been somewhat fascinated by belted capes, but am a bit put off by the challenges associated with wearing them. This seemed like the perfect solution: a garment that has the look of a cape, but with armholes built in so that there's no fabric hanging in the way of your arms. And then the cut is so flattering with the wide cape, fitted waist, and peplum. Paired with the short, full skirt it gave me just the right proportions.

The skirt is pretty darn short to be made of such a lightweight fabric, especially in windy South San Francisco where I work, so I took the extra measure of wearing pettipants in addition to the opaque tights. As much as I'd relish the opportunity to appear on Daddy Likey, I don't really want to do it that way. So the ruffled ecru hem of the pettipants became not only a nice accent to the outfit, but also my small, silent message to the world, a message that said, "No matter how hard the wind blows, rest easy friends, you will not see my chocha."

Jacket, skirt: F21
T-shirt: H&M
Belt: Lazaro
Tights: MP
Sandals: John Fluevog

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