Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Please Welcome Jess!

You've all met Jess before; in fact, she has now appeared several times on this blog. But I'm happy to announce that she will now be an official contributor! For now she might just pop in every once in awhile, but eventually I'd like to have her appearing on the blog regularly.

Jess and I first met several years ago when she was living in San Francisco. Now in Seattle, Jess works in the highly conservative finance industry, and therefore will offer a different perspective on dressing for the corporate environment. Though she and I have very similar tastes in clothing, she dresses for a completely different body shape than I do, which hopefully many of my readers will find inspiring. Not only that, but Jess is a clever writer who will keep you laughing as you marvel at her adorable style. If you're wondering if she fits into the Fashion For Nerds theme, wonder no more: Jess does IT support, and it really doesn't get much nerdier than that. Welcome Jess!

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