Thursday, October 29, 2009


Last weekend Mark and I flew up to Seattle for the SteamCon convention, and also as an excuse to go visit all our Seattle friends. As you can see, Jess attended SteamCon with us, so here we are in all of our steampunk finery. The convention was pretty fun; by far the best part was looking at all the great costumes everyone put together. There was hardly anyone who hadn't put some serious effort into their outfit, and many people went so far as to create elaborate props such as mechanical wings and ray-guns and such. The event took place at the Marriott hotel, so it was very amusing to to sit in the bar and watch the average business traveler enter the lobby and look around in amazement at the sea of Victorian bustle dresses, top hats, and pith helmets. If you'd like to see photos of some of the other attendees, check out the Flickr SteamCon group pool here.

Jess and I both sported Mark's harness designs; I'm wearing the Mistress Lucille, which is a new addition to the shop. Jess is sporting the Russian Princess style, which she also kindly agreed to model for us. The hats were all made by me, of course. Lately I'm having a lot of fun with the mini topper style, and Jess's hat is a new variation I've been working on. Look for more of these mini toppers in the Etsy shop soon.

While I'm at it, I should also mention that a few of my hats are now for sale over at Dark Garden Corsetry! It's quite exciting for me to see my hats displayed alongside their beautiful corsets, and a brick-and-mortar shop is really the ideal way to sell hats. Below are a couple of photos I took the last time I was in the shop. If you live in, or are planning to visit San Francisco, this beautiful shop is definitely worth a look. And finally, speaking of corsets, I picked up a gorgeous brown and black waist cincher corset while I was at SteamCon, which I am totally going to wear to work. 'Cause you know I'm adventurous like that.

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