Friday, October 2, 2009

Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Day 5

Here it is, the final installment in the Capsule Wardrobe Challenge. Today I've maxxed out all my allowable items, adding 2 more clothing items and an accessory: the jeans, the top, and the scarf. Carrying over from the previous outfits were the blazer, boots, and earrings. For most of the day I wore the outfit without the blazer, but it was just perfect to throw on inside chilly conference rooms.

Now since I know you're not going to let me get away with not saying anything about this bold new haircolor, I'll tell you about my evening with my hairdresser last night. You might recall that after she'd put in some pink extensions the last time, I decided I liked the look enough to want some real streaks. So when I sat down in her chair, the first thing we talked about was putting a (singular) pink streak on one side. But then, as I am wont to do, I thought that just one streak might not be dramatic enough, so I suggested maybe we could put in a couple. And then I figured oh hell, why not just go all the way and do a bunch. It's not like I've never done this sort of thing before; not too many years before I started this blog I had my hair every shade of red, purple, and fuscia you can imagine, not to mention platinum blonde. So I present to you a close-up of the new do; I love it!

Today's additions:
Scarf: Banana Republic
Top: Max Studio
Jeans: Acne
Here's a recap of my capsule outfits in the order I wore them:

And here are my capsule items. First, the clothing: three dresses, one skirt. One long cardigan, one top, one blazer, one pair of jeans. Two toe-sparing pairs of shoes.

And now the accessories: one belt, one scarf, two necklaces, and a pair of earrings. Ta-da!

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