Tuesday, October 13, 2009

From the Legs Up

I toyed with the idea of not even posting this outfit, because frankly, I wasn't very happy with it. And then, because of the messed-up order of my outfit posts, it looks like I just wore this dress a few days ago, doesn't it? Well, here it is anyway, looking far dumpier than it otherwise would have if I'd been able to wear the shoes I wanted (these, or possibly these). But at the time, the sneakers were one of only 3 pairs I could manage without significant pain. Oh well, I like it well enough from the legs up, and it does show off my pretty Inca Rosa pendant from Argentina.

Happily, many more of my shoes are now wearable, and I think that by the end of this week I will finally be able to wear my beautiful new blue Fryes. It's not quite in time to coincide with Fleet Week, but the sentiment is there -- the Blue Angels and other cool aircraft were buzzing overhead all last week and through the weekend, and now I'm inspired to put together a blue, white, and yellow outfit in their honor. The weather wasn't ideal for the weekend's air show, but what we managed to see from the window of Mark's apartment was still pretty great. And driving home from work on Friday while the Angels rushed by overhead was certainly thrilling. Thanks for the show, guys!

Shirt: La Redoute
Dress: thrifted
Tights: Foot Traffic
Pendant: Manu Lizzaralde
Sneakers: Simple

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