Monday, October 12, 2009

Designer Jeans

This outfit was from before Jane's Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, hence the hair color is my previous one. Sorry for the lack of chronology lately! This was right after I'd broken my toe, so I was still wearing those same cowboy boots.

You've seen these jeans before, but I haven't properly introduced them: they are my first-ever pair of designer jeans, and by 'designer' I mean jeans that cost more than 200 bucks. Let me clear up something right away; I would never pay $200 for a pair of jeans, let alone more than that. Jeans are one of those things that I have a definite price cap on, and the absolute upper limit is $150. I found these at Gilt Groupe for just over $100, which is the only reason I even considered them in the first place.

Now I'm pretty finicky about my jeans, and I'll tell you honestly why: I have a great ass. I'm simply stating a fact here; my derrière is one of my best bodily features, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna put on a pair of pants that doesn't show it off to its fullest potential. Since many, many pairs of jeans have an astounding butt-flattening capacity, jeans are one of the things I tend to steer clear of when buying online, especially if the site doesn't show what they look like from the back. Compound this with the fact that a lot of models have skinny, flat asses anyway, and you can see why I really prefer to try them on before buying.

I'm not sure what changed my mind with these. Part of it was that I was wanting a pair of straight-legs with a more interesting wash than my Joe's jeans, and part of it was that I just really liked the cut of these. And get this: while the model looked pretty good in the photos, and I could tell there was no posterior flattening action going on, I figured these jeans would actually look better on me because my butt is rounder than hers. And I was right! Take that, twiggy!

I knew when I ordered them that the jeans would be too long, but imagine my surprise when I discovered they were a good FOUR INCHES too long even for my highest heels. Thus the first time I tried them on I had to roll the cuffs to even be able to walk over to the mirror, and as it turned out I liked the look so much that I decided to keep the extra length (see this post for how they look cuffed). I can always shorten them later if I want to, but for now I'm digging the 1950's rockabilly vibe that they have when cuffed, and they're slim enough that I can still tuck them into boots.

Waistcoat: Last Kiss
Shirt: thrifted
Jeans: Acne
Boots: vintage

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